Dennisville Historic Home Owners Association
Dennisville Historic Home Owners Association

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PO Box 311
Dennisville, N.J. 08214-0311
Phone: 609-861-1338

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Dennisville Historic Home Owners Association 26th Annual House Tour
Featured House for 2014 - The Enoch and Nancy James House – ca. 1820 - 1830.

2014 26th Annual Historic Dennisville Christmas House Tour
Saturday, December 20, 2014 - 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM

christmas floral pencil drawing of 2014 featured house christmas floral

From the Historical Perspective:

The Enoch and Nancy James House, a 2 story, side gabled frame dwelling (with a later 2-story rear ell) was built around 1820 – 1830 in the Pre-Railroad/Folk Vernacular style. The house stood for many years with no changes other than interior changes.

The Enoch and Nancy James House January 2007
January 2007
The Enoch and Nancy James House January 2007
January 2007
The Enoch and Nancy James House January 2007
January 2007

The main block is 3 bays wide and 2 bays deep with a center entrance. The door is a modern wood door with beveled glass. An open, wraparound porch with a standing seam metal shed roof supported by square wood columns was added in 2010 - 2011. Also added during the same renovations is a 1-story addition against the east side of the rear ell.

An 1880 – 1920 storage barn also stands on the property. The barn has gone through extensive renovations with 2 side wings having been added 2013.

Enoch and Nancy had 4 children. Two other houses bearing the James family name (Jonathan and Charles, a grandson) are included in the Dennisville Historic District's housing stock. The 1850 census list Enoch as a 59-year old wheelwright living in the house with his wife Nancy and 4 children. Most of the land between Fidler and Academy Roads was at one time owned and farmed by Enoch James.

The Enoch and Nancy James House February 2008
February 2008
The Enoch and Nancy James House February 2008
February 2008
The Enoch and Nancy James House February 2008
February 2008

During the time that the house was vacant between the passing of the previous owners and the purchase by the current owners, the estate executrix offered the house to the DHHOA to display on the tour and to serve as a location for a train display and craft displays by local artists. This is the period where photos show pink trim on the interior.

Parlor before
Parlor Before
Parlor during
Parlor During
Parlor after
Parlor After

From the Personal Perspective:

The current owners of the Enoch and Nancy James House purchased the house in 2010. Having visited the Dennisville House Tour for many years and having researched Lin’s family heritage in Dennisville, Lin contacted the DHHOA for some help and information. While on the phone with the DHHOA president, they both realized that the president’s house was in fact her great grandfather’s house, that is, the Capt. Charles and Lydia Crawford House, ca. 1852. This house was the featured house of the 2013 25th Anniversary Dennisville House Tour.

As with the previous owners, the new owners permitted the DHHOA to host Christmas House tour events in their newly purchased house while they continued to solidify their renovation plans for the house and the early 20th century barn on the premises.

Parlor and  before
Parlor Before
Parlor and  during
Parlor During
Parlor and  after
Parlor After

Among the first jobs to be tackled were new windows (6 over 6) and new doors. Next a new roof was added. Channel 10 news out of Philadelphia even sent a news team to film some of the work and do a story on old house roof maintenance.

Channel 10 news out of Philadelphia
even sent a news team to film some of
the work and do a story on old house
roof maintenance.

Channel 10 News Crew on site

Porch and Den Before
Porch and Den Before
Porch and Den During
Porch and Den During
Porch and Den After
Porch and Den After

Then the utility room was bumped out to encompass a new enclosed porch / den. A beautiful wraparound open porch with a standing seam roof was also added. Their first DHHOA tour as owners of the house was marked by still drying plaster on the den walls.

Kitchen before
Kitchen Before
Kitchen during
Kitchen During
Kitchen after
Kitchen After

Floor boards were extracted from the attic floor and used in the first floor bedroom and parlor. Then all the floors were refinished. Modern baseboard radiator heating was installed followed by air conditioning. Finally the beautiful color palette selected by the owners was applied and they moved on to renovating and expanding the barn.

The barn was shored up from the inside and at the foundation level. 2 wings were added to the barn in 2013.

Barn Before
Barn Before
Barn During
Barn During
Barn After
Barn After

Barn After
Barn After

The owners are proud of their investment in restoring another gem in the Dennisville Historic District. They have also been proud Christmas Tour Sponsors since 2009 and continue their major tour sponsorship again for this year's house tour.

"Preserve what you have-you can never replace it."
Jef Buehler, Main Street New Jersey, NJDCA